Phlebotomy Tech (Patient Care Tech I/II) Interview Day

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Now Hiring Experienced:

Phlebotomy Techs (Patient Service Techs I/II) & Mobile Phlebotomy Techs
Main Campus, Bay Area Campus, Cypress Clinic, Memorial City
Clinic, Sienna Clinic, and Tanglewood Clinic locations.


• 3 years of directly related experience as a phlebotomist in a patient
service center, clinic, or hospital setting.
• High school diploma/GED
• Certificate of completion from an accredited phlebotomy program or
2 additional years of directly related experience as a phlebotomist. (5
total) may substitute for an accredited phlebotomy program.

To be scheduled for an interview, send a resume to:
Only selected candidates will be contacted by the recruiter.

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